- info@greydawnfarm.com
- Warwick, New York
● 12’ x 12’ shedrow stalls with rubber mats and fan
● Stalls are mucked daily using dust free shavings, high quality hay and access to fresh water
● Use of extensive trails on property
● Use of Climate controlled lounge/viewing room with kitchenette and bathroom
● Use of Insulated Indoor riding arena and outdoor riding arena
● Horses are fed grain twice a day
● Horses are turned out with fly sheets/sheets or blankets as needed and put in fields with grass individually at night during the warm weather months and during the day in the non fly season. They are fed hay in their fields supplementally during the non grass season. All fields have access to water troughs which have heaters during the winter months. Turnout has been a very important aspect to our horse management, keeping them healthy mentally and physically
● Adjustments can be made for the individual needs of a horse
● Use of a climate controlled grooming area with wash stalls, tack room and blanket room. It is wonderful during the winter months to be able to escape from the cold and get the horse ready in a heated environment
● Anything outside the scope of normal daily care will be charged by the hour
Includes All EXCEPT:
Call (845) 576-2450 or Email info@greydawnfarm.com to discuss Boarding Rates and Services.
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